Van Heck BV

Van Heck BV

Van Heck is an internationally operating company with 50 years experience in the field of water control and management, with offices in the Netherlands and Singapore.

Van Heck’s speciality is often called upon to manage floods. Van Heck’s expertise includes providing tailor-made solutions for dredging, civil and industrial projects and for government and water boards. Van Heck is also active in the offshore and maritime industries. Spearheads in these industries are:

Equipment for ballast operations
Van Heck’s ballast equipment is specifically designed for load-outs and float-overs, and ideally suited for salvage operations. The completely autonomous ballast and deballast system can be entirely controlled from a central point and has a total capacity of over 40,000 tons per hour.

Van Heck’s capabilities in this field:
Load-out: Supply a complete ballast system, including (ballast) engineering and operation, to load a construction from the shore onto a barge.
Float-over/mating: Supply a complete ballast system, including engineering and operation, to install a platform on the offshore location.
Jet trenching: Supply pumps to jet in cables on the ocean floor.

For less complicated operations a mini ballast and/or manually controlled system can be supplied.

Sea Trophy
Van Heck has recently welcomed a new passenger on-board: The Sea Trophy; Green and Easy Oil Recovery. The first complete mobile pump system that enables the controlled, contained, fast (fuel-) oil recovery after incorrect or off-spec fuelling and in the event of grounding or calamity at sea.

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